Sunday, May 05, 2024
Osman Numair

Osman Numair

Thursday, 24 July 2008 16:13

Anime Expo Skit on Robot Chicken

 Anime Expo had an array of different panels and events this year. Beside the yearly main events like the Masquerade, AX Idol, or the AMV Contest, they had a different panel not usually seen at an anime convention: the Robot Chicken Panel. An array of hilarious staff members from the show were present to entertain con attendees.

Most of the big names on staff were present at the panel. Head writer Tom Rude was present along with Kevin Shenic, who writes, voice acts and co-produces for the show. Co-creator Mike Fasolo who co-writes also made an appearance. Other members of the panel include animator Kamern Pawlak, costume supervisor Jennet Moppet, and last but not least, director Chris Mckay. The audience was free to ask them questios through the host.

Some great tidbit of teaser material were told to the audience by the staff of the show during the panel. One of the cool thing mentioned was the fact that they are working on a Yu-Gi-Oh! sketch. They have also finished a second star wars special, which is slated for release soon. Talk about a possible sketch based on their experience going to Anime Expo was also mentioned; tentacle porn was mentioned.

Having Robot chicken coming to the panel was a fun side track from the regular anime based panels.

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