Thursday, May 02, 2024
Salvador Mateos

Salvador Mateos

Monday, 29 August 2016 17:31

Attack on Titan (PS4) Review

So first came the manga, then the anime, and then the live action movie, now comes the game! So cue the German chant chorus because here comes Attack on Titan (PS4) by Koei Tecmo. This game is coming out just in time for the fans that are waiting for the second season of the anime to begin. Is this what all fans are waiting for or is this just another bomb like Humanity in Chains?

Anime Expo may be more than a month ago but the Cowboy Bebop Jazz Cat Experience was something I will remember for years to come. This year, fans of Cowboy Bebop had a chance to attend the Cowboy Bebop Jazz Cat Experience featuring Alice Underground, brought in by Bang Zoom, Funimation and Anime Expo. This was a treat to all those Cowboy Bebop Jazz loving fans. 

Thursday, 04 August 2016 16:58

The Sexy, Sultry momoMc @ AX Night Cafe

A recent trend that has been popular with most conventions are after dark events; shows and exhibits catering to the older, and more mature con-attendees. These events are for the 18 or 21+ and are strictly enforced by the staff, so parents and guardians should not have to worry about their little ones stumbling into any of these events after curfew. This year Anime Expo invited world-famous Japanese artistic pole dancer, momoMc (pronounced Mo-Mo-Mac) to perform at the AX Night Cafe.

On Saturday July 2nd Square Enix had the Star Ocean Integrity and Faithlessness launch party at Anime Expo 2016. The event took place at lounge 21 and you had to be 21+ to attend. The line for this event was long but didn’t take long to get inside.

When someone says Akihabara what comes to mind? Among those answers somewhere would have to be Maid Café. When once upon a time to have a real experience of a maid café you once would have to fly to Akihabara but not anymore during Anime Expo 2016 Akihabara maids came to us. This year Anime Expo invited Special Unit: 003 from Maidreamin the No.1 Maid Café restaurant in Akihabara.

The first time I heard of the Senran Kagura series and its jiggle physics I said ok, this review will be a hit or miss. For those that are unfamiliar, the Senran Kagura series has games available on the PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Nintendo 3DS, and PC, ranging from fighting games to cooking games - think cooking mama but with an ecchi spin. From those titles we now get Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus from XSEED for PC originally for the PS Vita it now is available for the PC and is the third game in the series.

With most people owning a smartphone nowadays, it is easy to see how free-to-play games on mobile devices are on the rise and how common they really are. Some might argue that games like Candy Crush and Brave Frontier with its micro-transactions is not a real game, you have to admit that they help that work/school commute that much easier. Recently, we have seen the increase of big titles such as Final Fantasy, Lord of the Rings, and the Walking Dead make their way to the mobile gaming platform - making it hard not to pay attention to this newish genre of games. Well this year at Fanime a panel titled “Future of Mobile Gaming” by Kick9 caught our attention and we decided to attend to see what information it had to offer.

Thursday, 07 July 2016 13:08

Is VR Taking Over E3

This year at E3 2016, one of the biggest announcements from Sony Entertainment was their release of the PSVR (Playstation Virtual Reality) headset that will work with not only the Playstation 4, but with a number of virtual reality games that were also announced during E3. 

Thursday, 23 June 2016 12:00

E3 Impressions: Killing Floor 2

We managed to get a sneak peak at the new upcoming game, Killing Floor 2, with the developers from Tripwire Interactive. Killing floor 2 is a first person horror shooter game that takes place a month after the events of the first game. 

Tuesday, 24 May 2016 20:48

Meet Sekai Project's New Mascot

Sekai Project is celebrating their third year as a publisher and licenser this year. So how did they celebrate you ask, well they didn't go to Disneyland or maybe they did I didn't ask. But what I do know is that they revealed their first company mascot and her name is Sena Aozora. Sena-chan is 19 years old and loves to travel, sing, and stargaze but you can find out more about her below.

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