Thursday, May 09, 2024

One of the events that I decided to go to this year at Anime Expo was Last Comic Standing. The event is held every year and has grown, but is still not considered one of the main events for Anime Expo. For that reason, it was held at the same time as the Masquerade. I had to choose between the two, and I decided to go to Last Comic Standing. To be sure, I think I chose right.

Last Comic Standing is an event that allows Anime Expo attendees to display their comedic talents to the con with only one rule: all of their jokes must be based on anime, or video game references. This year, eight final contestants brought their own unique style to the event. Members of the comic team Dawkness, a reference from the Chapalle show, Gary the Marciano, and Musta D. Luffy were the hosts.

The hosts were pretty funny and made the event interesting. Hopefully they make Last Comic Standing a main event next year because there were hundreds of people in the panel room. I also hope that they'll also schedule it so it doesn't fall under the same time as another main event, like the Masquerade.

Editor's Note: The Masquerade at Anime Expo this year ended unexpected earlier, with all the skits finishing around 9:20PM, meaning most people were able to attend last Comic Standing if they wanted to. Also please note, this was an over 18 event only for obvious reasons...

Wednesday, 23 July 2008 10:59

Network/Site Updates

Originally an anime and gaming network, we decided to drop gaming from our site during the final planning of We would once again like to explore that option. 

Alice Yan will be dealing with all our coverages regarding music, bands, and whatnot. That of course includes interviews, so please feel free to bug her.Osman Numair has been with us for a few months and has been officially added to our staff after FanimeCon 2008. I would like to introduce a completely new face, Davis Fan, who will be joining us as a correspondent until he is added as a staff member. 

Tuesday, 15 July 2008 14:07

Special Message From Jyukai

Manami: Hello everyone
Dewa: Hello
Manami: Nice to meet you, this is Jukai. I am the vocalist Manami.
Dewa: I am the guitarist Dewa Yoshiaki.
Manami: This is the second time we're in America. No matter how many times we come to this city, it is a wonderful place. We would like to spread more and more of Jukai's music to this city, and to this country. So I hope that everyone listens to more of our music. One, two...
Both: America is AWESOME!
Manami: yay, bye bye!

Tuesday, 08 July 2008 17:24

Anime Expo 2008 Con Report

 Welcome to our Anime Expo 2008 Coverage at LAX Convention Center.

One of the biggest unnanounced industry guest (who we mentioned prior to the con) to appear this year at Anime Expo was Nippon Ichi Software's Character Designer, Takehito Harada. Most famous for his design work on the tactical role playing game Disgaea, fans will definitely want to check out our interview with him. 

Unfortunately due to a mix up, our interview requests we faxed 3 weeks ahead of time were lost. We were unable to interview Shoko Nakagawa as originally intended.

We were still able to sit down with musical group Jyukai for an interview probably most well known for their ending song Anata ga Ita Mori from Fate/Stay Night. Be sure to also watch Jyukai's special message video for all their fans in the America which can be found in our interview. 

(This review is spoiler-free)
Snake has come back to us. He's a bit worse for wear, but even then the stealthy curmudgeon more than holds his own in a fight. This time, the fight has become a commodity for private military corporations to boost their fiscal year earnings. Snake is back, but what exactly for? To fight a war that has changed? Or to play pawn in a war that never changes? It's a compelling yarn, one that weaves in and out of the labrynthine tale woven by Metal Gear games past and delves into themes such as the irreparable traumas of war, the ambivalent face of technology in the increasingly impersonal battlefield, loyalty, and even patricide. The story even tackles the mammoth task of straightening out the series timeline - Not an easy feat in the very least (just as any MGS fan). There's also the trademark Kojima humor interspersed throughout all the drama, which is a nice break from overall bleakness.

Before jumping into the review I must get it out: This is the game PS3 owners have been waiting for. As a game, it staggers under its number of flaws; As an experience, it's rock SOLID, unfallible - A masterpiece. Enough hyperbole. Now, to get into the nitty gritty.
Read the rest after the jump.
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