Thursday, May 09, 2024
Osman Numair

Osman Numair

Wednesday, 12 May 2010 19:31

Swimsuit Cosplayers at Sakura-con 2010

Sakura-Con is one of the largest anime conventions in the northwest and like all anime conventions, it has its usual events like the Masquerade and AMV contest. What made Sakura-Con stand out from the rest, was the Anime Swimsuit Contest Panel. This year’s Anime Swimsuit Contest was a lively, comedic affair with jokes thrown one after another. The Anime Swimsuit Contest is an unique event for an anime convention and is one of the more entertaining adult events that an otaku can go.

Friday, 23 April 2010 13:47

Trigun: Badlands Rumble World Premiere

Trigun is one of the most beloved anime series of all time. Unlike most other series, Trigun is a science fiction western, which is strange to see in a medium saturated with animated school girls. Trigun is a one of a kind series and now, thanks to the effort of the fans, a new film has been made to complement the T.V. show. Thanks to the good people at Sakura-Con, Badlands Rumble had its world premiere screening in Seattle, Washington with Director Satoshi Nishimura and Character Designer Takahiro Yoshimatsu in attendance. Fans got to see the movie even before it was released in Japan. The movie was shown without any dubbing or even subtitles with raw Japanese audio. Even though most of the fans at Sakura-con could not understand the dialogue, it was still relatively easy to follow.

White Knight Chronicles is the latest RPG from one of the most renowned studio in Japan, Level 5. Level 5 is famous for many hit RPGs such as Dark Cloud, Dragon Quest VIII, and even the portable Professor Layton series. White Knight Chronicles is a massive RPG released in 2008 in Japan; can the game retain the same appeal that it once had when western gamers first gazed at the original trailer?

Friday, 26 March 2010 00:23

Persona 5 Rumors Confirmed!

During an interview with Dengeki PlayStation Magazine, Director Katura Hashino, of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 fame, hinted at the next Persona game. Hashino stated that he wants to keep the core Persona elements while making some improvements. The Persona series have been very successful ever since the release of Persona 3 back in 2007, leading to the creation of an anime based on the Persona universe called Persona: Trinity Souls. With the expected release of a Persona game, fans of JRPG have something to look forward to, but one can only hope that the game will have the same appeal as the other Persona entries. Rumors are floating around that the game may be released for the Playstation 3 - a welcome change. Till then players who are itching for a Persona fix can look forward to the Playstation Portable port of Persona 3 in July.
During an interview with Dengeki PlayStation, it has been hinted by Director Katura H
Thursday, 18 March 2010 20:19

Jun Seba "Nujabes" Dies at 36

Hip hop producer Jun Seba, also known as Nujabes died on Thursday, February 26, 2010 due to an automobile accident in Tokyo. Emergency medical technicians in Tokyo rushed him to Tokyo's Shibuya ward and attempted to resuscitate him, but it proved unsuccessful. Nujabes first came onto the scene back in 2003 with the album First Collections and later released his first solo album, Metaphorical Music. He has worked with many vocalist in Japan, including Shing02. Nujabes is undoubtedly most famous for his work on the hit anime series Samurai Champloo. He composed music for the series, including the opening theme song “Battlecry.” Jun Seba will forever be missed; his music has made a significant impact on hip hop culture.

Thursday, 18 February 2010 06:15

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Review

Link is out of the water and onto a train in this all new adventure in the land of Hyrule.This time, Link has to team up with a phantom Princess Zelda to fight the forces of evil. Does The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks brings new ideas to the Zelda franchise while keeping the overall charm and feel that many gamers have come to love from this series? Read more to find out.

Friday, 08 January 2010 04:47

Demon’s Souls Review

Demon’s Souls is probably the most frustrating, yet rewardingly epic, experience on the Playstation 3. There are many moments where players will want to chuck their controllers at the TV, but this game will still have them coming back for more. Demon’s Souls is one of those games that doesn’t come around very often and is a must have for fans of action and RPG games.

Friday, 20 November 2009 15:04

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Review

Square Enix's beloved franchise is back and has landed on the Nintendo DS. The Kingdom Hearts series is a collaboration of characters from one of the biggest animation studios of all time, Disney, and one of the most popular RPG production companies, Square Enix. When these two companies combine, it's like magic. While Disney's games are pretty dismal, with the help of Square Enix, Disney characters can make an appearance in a deep RPG as well.

Monday, 19 October 2009 17:08

Muramasa: The Demon Blade Review

While the Wii may not be the best console for hardcore gamers, it does occasionally have a few surprises here and there. Vanillaware's Muramasa: The Demon Blade is one such surprise. Muramasa is one of the most visually appealing and artistic games and a perfect example of art in entertainment. I had to dust off my Wii just for this game, which is a testament to the lack of hardcore games on the system. Will Muramasa be enough to make the Wii worthwhile for hardcore gamers?
Monday, 19 October 2009 17:08

Muramasa: The Demon Blade Review

While the Wii may not be the best console for hardcore gamers, it does occasionally have a few surprises here and there. Vanillaware's Muramasa: The Demon Blade is one such surprise. Muramasa is one of the most visually appealing and artistic games and a perfect example of art in entertainment. I had to dust off my Wii just for this game, which is a testament to the lack of hardcore games on the system. Will Muramasa be enough to make the Wii worthwhile for hardcore gamers?
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