Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Monday, 28 July 2014 00:00

Kill la Kill Concert and Impressions

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On July 4, 2014 Anime Expo/Sony Entertainment/Aniplex hosted the Kill la Kill Event during Anime Expo 2014. The doors opened and fans began to enter at 2:00pm into Main Events Hall . Once people got seated in their rows, four cosplayers dressed up as: Mako Mankanshoku, Ira Gamagoori, Houka Inumuta and Nonon Jakuzure came on stage while staffers passed out the "FreFlow" glow stick. The cosplayers were in character and began to explain how to use the FreFlow and that it would sync to the concert. Once they walked us through the syncing process, they acted as if Inumuta had taken over the glow sticks and said to keep them on, as the concert would start shortly.

 Masazaku Morita Anime Expo 2014

As a longtime and experienced voice actor, famous for powerful 'alpha' roles such as Tidus from Final Fantasy X and Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach, Masakazu Morita graced his adoring fans at Anime Expo 2014 as one of the Guests of Honor for K: Missing Kings' premiere. Winner of the 2007 Seiyu Award as "Best Rookie Actor," his extensive resume has led him to lending his voices in a variety of productions including visual novels, anime, video games and even live-action dubbing for series such as Disney's High School Musical as Troy Bolton. Read all about his career, as well as which of the characters he feels the most connected with, as we accompany him on a brief reflective journey through his thoughts and processes. "BANKAI!"

AX keiji

Behind the closed doors of Anime Expo's press conference room, the legendary Keiji Inafune shared a few thoughts ranging from childhood influences to directorial duties for his short film for Dead Rising 2. Despite being well-known for the Rockman Mega Man series, Keiji Inafune has been involved in the gaming industry for twenty-seven years and counting, including his newest creation, Mighty No. 9.

Anime Expo 2014 Eir Aoi Spiral Cats Luna Tsukigame Interviews TONO

Can't make it the Anime Expo 2014 or just want to enhance your con-going experience at North America's largest anime convention with the click of a button? Then be sure to check out all of the awesome coverage that we're going to be doing over the next few upcoming weeks!

Highlights will include: an interview with the illustrious and charming duo of Tasha and Doremi from the talented female cosplay group Spiral Cats, as well as interviews with the wonderful J-POP starlet Eir Aoi (Sword Art Online, Kill la Kill) and doujin artist Luna Tsukigami!

 anniversary celebration dating decoration heart by PublicDomaniPictures via Creative Commons [http://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2012/02/23/09/06/anniversary-15874_640.jpg]

FanimeCon 2014 is now in the books and while there will be much rejoicing over the most welcome absence of an infamously long registration line, it must also be noted that the convention staff was also able to succeed in other areas as well. It has been a long time since I started my quest to get into the Fanime speed dating event, but this was finally the year that I made it in. For those of you who don't know, Fanime speed dating events are usually held on days 2 and 3. You will not find the event in the general schedule, because the information (at least this year) was only found if you went through the color brochure and in the Fanime forums. Even though there was a general lack of advertisement for this event, there was a healthy turn out.

Tuesday, 03 June 2014 13:11

FanimeCon 2014 Impressions

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As a convention that prides itself on being for the fans of mixed media forms of entertainment, but particularly anime and manga, FanimeCon is the premier destination for many people during Memorial weekend in San Jose, California. Having been forced to make do with the renovations that were happening at the San Jose McErney Convention Center in 2013, FanimeCon 2014 was now able to take full advantage of the new space by addressing some issues that plagued them previously. Unfortunately, this created a few new problems, but in all, FanimeCon 2014 seemed to be just as fun for all attendees as it always has.


Earlier today, Aniplex of America and Sony Music Entertainment announced that they will be hosting a special Kill la Kill event at Anime Expo 2014 in Los Angeles on Friday, July 4th. The event will include a talk session with multiple guests from the series, a premiere screening for the first episode of the Kill la Kill English dub and a concert featuring Eir Aoi whose songs "Sirius" and "Sanbika" were featured in Studio Trigger's twenty-four episode animated series.

Friday, 25 April 2014 11:30

Sakura-Con 2014 Opening Ceremonies Video

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As with most conventions, Sakura-Con 2014's Opening Ceremonies was met with tons of fanfare as thousands of fans got to meet and welcome their favorite stars from Japan and America for the first time. Hosted by incumbent Sakura-Con chairman , Christopher Louck, the Opening Ceremonies marked a great beginning to the annual Seattle-based convention, and with new screens and equipment it was a fun time for every involved.

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